The female sparrow hawk, fierce,
glorious, hovers above her mate.
Menaboni sketches her with beak open.
I imagine her call, “killy, killy, killy.”
The male’s wings fold down;
his claws wrap around
the branch of Georgia pine;
his head twists around and up
to fix her with black, marvelous eyes.
His russet back is rounded but not meek.
She is set to hunt, is ready to fly wide and long.
He has just flown in. His belly almost full,
he’s at rest, reflective, quiet.
Perhaps she’ll settle close to her partner
or he’ll leave his perch to join her in fearsome flight.
The hawks will decide in their next quick moments,
but the artist has made his choice, and so does not care.
Nonnie Augustine
July 8, 2010
I am an admirer of Athos Menaboni, and collect his art. I think you writing is beautiful, and I enjoyed this so much. I have never seen a poem written for one of his paintings. Superb!!!!!
Beautiful poem that captures the image. I like your interpertation Last line is powerful.
Yes, this is powerful. Lots of associations and physical resonances for me! Beautiful and at the same time edgy...then that twist at the end. Uumph, like a beak piercing a thought, straight through to the spacious moment of an inhale/exhale.
...what they said. :-)
Wonderful work Nonnie!
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